Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Original BLOG has moved...and get another free ebook

Content of this post:

  • Cleaning Up
  • Moving On
  • Learning How to Communicate

This past week I've been doing some housecleaning - I guess instead of Spring cleaning I'm doing the Fall cleaning thing. I always did kind of feel like Fall was a new beginning - perhaps because of school restarting, and then, of course, my birthday is in late September.

So, I've been getting rid of lots of old stuff around the house - old files, old half-completed projects, old clothes, just about anything that didn't feel "right" any longer. And it reminds me of an article I wrote some time ago that I called "Clearing Out Your Mental Attic".

Thoughts carry weight, unfinished projects require a certain amount of attention to maintain. Letting go of what is obsolete (even if it was a good idea at the time) is the only way we can free up enough personal RAM in this information-overload era we seem to be stuck in. And clearing out your space gives you room to reorganize in ways that suit you now.

So, part of the fun has been moving files and programs to my new computer (that had been sitting since I bought it in July), and reconstituting the projects that were a good idea and that still appeal to me.

As a result I have pulled out some of my blogging information and decided to move this blog to the Career Life website, and to move my other blogs to the sites where they belong, too. Once I got a little guidance from a very generous webdiva, I found it wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be.

In the process of reading through some of the woefully backlogged business emails in my emailbox, I discovered another gem from Ken Evoy for those of you who are interested in improving the success of your website (or in starting a new one).

This time it's called, "Make Your Content PREsell". This book is kind of an off-shoot of "Make Your Site Sell", but it focuses almost exclusively on one thing - communicating effectively with your audience. Which is the secret to repeat visitors and satisfied customers who want to buy what you're selling.

And let's face it, we're all selling all the time - whether we're trying to influence our children, win the job we want, share an important concept with others, or go out on a date with someone we're attracted to, the only way we get the results we want is by communicating effectively with the other person.

And on the Internet it's even more important because we lose out on the visual aspect of our interaction. It's limited to what's on the screen, so it's very 2 dimensional. Learning how to satisfy our visitor/customer's needs, and responding to their concerns, becomes a primary focus if we want people to stick around on the site, sign up for our newsletter, or keep coming back.

So here's another opportunity to pick up a great little reference book - and no, it's not 1500 pages this time! Simply click here and you will be taken to the site.

That's it for now. Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


For those of you who sent me emails saying you were having a hard time finding the actual link to Make Your Site SELL!, (yes, it was buried down there) here it is:



Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Make Your Site SELL! - for Free

Early in my Internet career, after purchasing my first domain name (and back then it cost $100 - you had to buy 2 years and each year was $50!), I came across a fascinating book with some interesting ideas about websites and marketing. That book was called "Make Your Site SELL!".

When "Make Your Site SELL!" launched in 1999, it was instantly coined "The BIBLE of selling on the Net." It literally swept the Internet. Unlike other Internet marketing books that have "swept the Net" since then and unlike the latest/greatest hypes-of-this-day, this one cost all of $17 and OVERdelivered at that remarkably low price. Well, I had to try out the book, and I can tell you that it changed a lot of my thinking about design and marketing on websites.

Ken Evoy says that the philosophy of UNDERprice and OVERdeliver is the foundation of SiteSell.com, and I have to agree. I own several of his ebooks, and each of them is a gem in its own way. The site itself offers lots of resources, ideas and tips, and the community is very supportive.

Well, in 2002, MYSS! received a major overhaul and re-launched, this time with 7 volumes jam-packed with even MORE success-proven strategies - ideal for ANY person wanting to join the 1% who know how to sell on the Net. The price? It went all the way up to... $29.95, and I bought the updated book. They have never updated it since. Why?

Because the "theory" of MYSS! has become a step-by-step, DAY-by-DAY process with all the tools necessary to EXECUTE the ideas and strategies outlined in the book. The book's approach has evolved into the far more powerful, well-rounded one of C-T-P-M contained in another product they sell: Site Build It!

C-T-P-M = Content --> Traffic --> PREselling --> Monetize

Site Build It! is an all-in-one website product that lets you develop your website just about any way you want - using templates or from "scratch" - and has loads of tools to help you along the way.

So Ken has graciously decided to GIVE AWAY his "Make Your Site SELL!" book to anyone who wants it.

This is a great opportunity, and I encourage you to go pick up "Make Your Site SELL!" right now at

Whether you are new to the Internet or you already have sites up and running, you are bound to get some new ideas and resources from this book.

Do yourself a favor and go check it out today. Then drop me a line and let me know what you found most helpful in the book.



Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome to the Career Life Strategies Blog

For some time now I've been thinking about blogs as an easier way for me to stay in touch with the people on my lists. Because I have been extremely busy over the past few years (with lots of travel these past 2), I have fallen woefully out of touch with my subscribers. And I miss that interaction with you.

Even when I have something I think is worthwhile to share, the thought of having to write, format, upload, etc. makes me decide to simply put it off until later. But with my schedule, "later" ends up being "never" most of the time!

So, I suppose this is as good a time as any to get started!! Expect short snippets of ideas, thoughts, suggestions, useful links, product and book reviews. And when I have the time, even full blown articles. I always loved to journal, and a journal's entries can be short and sweet, or long and exploratory. Somehow blogging feels the same. And even when I'm on the road, I can share my thoughts quickly.

I hope you'll stick around long enough to give me time to develop this blog into what works for both of us!

