Do you have any what if's in your life? Is the 'what if' question part of your DNA? Are you a frequent 'asker' of this question? Listed below are some what if's for you to consider as your job hunt journey progresses...
What if you replaced fear with focus?
What if you focused on opportunities instead of obstacles?
What if you created a resume from scratch instead of a template?
What if you realized that the risk would lead you to the reward?
What if you squelched a negative attitude with a positive one?
What if you dreamed big or little dreams instead of no dreams at all?
What if you decided to just go for it and see where the river takes you?
What if you kept every promise that you ever made to yourself, or others?
What if you got some good career help instead of feeling helpless?
What if you doubled the amount of time you devote to your job search?
What if you contemplated hope over hopelessness?
What if you were happy with what you have vs. what you don't?
What if you helped someone who's in a worse 'fix' than you?
What if you reached out to people over retreating from connections that care?
What if you set a small goal to strive for each and every day?
What if you made that extra phone call, even when you don't 'feel like it'?
What if you applied to five jobs per day instead of one or none per week?
What if you acknowledged 'I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"?
What if you built a team of raving fans instead of 'fishing' the pond alone?
What if you let go of what has 'passed' and looked onward to the future?
What if you exhibited immense gratitude over a poor attitude?
What if you built a business or investigated the merits of buying one?
What if you attended one more networking event instead of staying home -- again?
What if you abandon the excuses to aggressively pursue the exceptions?
What if you pressed on with a 'can do' mentality over a 'can't do' mantra?
What if you pursued meaningful work instead of looked for a job?
What if you tapped into your imagination for ideas and innovations?
What if you completed the task today that you are putting off until tomorrow?
What if you believed there's no limit to what you can do, if only you'd do it?
What if _______________________________________________________?
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