What’s wrong with an objective you say? Hmmm ... where should I start. First, it’s overused. Second, it’s all about you. Third, it absolutely does not communicate in a captivating or influential way who you are, what you do, or why you’re the best fit for the employer’s opening. Not convinced yet?
Let me open the doors of professional branding statement heaven (cue lights from above and angelic singing) ...
A branding statement will position you as a perfect match for the opening for which you are applying. It will tell the hiring manager who you are, what you’re known for, and what value you can add to the organization—all important things the hiring manager needs to know before he calls you for the interview. You can captivate the hiring manager in your opening statement—or you can bore him and make him hunt for the information he needs. As a former hiring manager, I’m telling you—do yourself a favor. Write the branding statement!
Here is an example of an objective:
To utilize my experience and educational background within an organization that promotes growth and advancement opportunities.
Here is an example of a branding statement:
Maximizing corporate potential by driving top-notch marketing solutions, innovative branding strategies, and dynamic corporate events.
The objective told me absolutely NOTHING about what you do or who you are. The branding statement, however, provides me with a clearer picture of where your resume is headed.
For additional samples of branding statements or resumes, visit http://www.greatresumesfat.com/. For a free resume analysis, submit your resume to info@greatresumesfast.com.
Jessica Holbrook is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast. She creates high-impact, best-in-class, resumes and cover letters that win interviews. For a free resume analysis visit http://www.greatresumesfast.com/ or for a free phone consultation call 1.800.991.5187.
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